address: Listen on all network interfaces on port 7373
admin: identity:disabled# We disable the admin identity since we don't need it in this guide tls: #key: /opt/certs/agent/key/cakey.pem # The KES server TLS private key #cert: /opt/certs/agent/key/cacert.crt # The KES server TLS certificate key:/opt/certs/25519/server.key# The KES server TLS private key cert:/opt/certs/25519/server.crt# The KES server TLS certificate policy: my-app: allow: -/v1/key/create/my-key* -/v1/key/generate/my-key* -/v1/key/decrypt/my-key* identities: -0a3b5c174894c5b782889775a6a586c1dc8c9e03f8cf1b41be099a017ec25ec4# Use the identity of your client.crt keystore: vault: endpoint: version:v1# The K/V engine version - either "v1" or "v2". approle: id:"a54e9ae2-a4e7-87bf-3fda-1fa30f65c3c5"# Your AppRole ID secret:"47ef5ebb-ebef-0ae1-001a-80dc74c8c638"# Your AppRole Secret retry:15s status: ping:10s tls: ca:/opt/certs/vault/vault.crt# Manually trust the vault certificate since we use self-signed certificates